Vision Statement

For More Detail Please See Vision Statement Below

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Back to Eden

One important phase we constantly use to help understand our hope is "We want to return to the Garden" As we continue to take step in understanding how to tell our story we are reminded of relationships placed in our path over the last 6 years.  One of those relationships was birthed on the same Sound I proposed to Staci...Squim, Washington.  My brother and his wife, introduced to midwifery by Staci, were looking for midwife while based at the Navel Base in Bermerton.  They became connected with Carol Gautschi, a nationally know midwife.  My wife assisted in that wonderful birth and later we were introduced to Carol's husband, Paul.  He was a pioneer we were drawn to.  Here is his story and one we hope to encourage within the Chrysalis Community.  His method of raising food will be the model we build our farm upon.

Please support his mission and watch this wonderful movie.

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